About this Resource
This docu-series follows the journey of two rappers, Jelly from Toronto and Yoshi from Atlanta, as they retrace actual slave trading routes across Georgia, Ontario and Ghana. We made this resource for educators to enhance Black history curricula and to bring more culturally relevant and responsive content into classrooms. We hope this resource inspires, connects and better informs students and educators alike about the transatlantic slave trade and how it's shaped so much of the world we experience today.
For more info about the team behind this resource, please click here.
How to use this Resource
This resource is designed for use virtually or in-person. We created lessons that can be delivered in multiple formats to compliment activities and digital tools educators are already using in virtual and in brick & mortar classrooms.
Lesson Design
There are eight core lessons provided in this resource. Each lesson is connected to one of four main sections : 01 Intro, 02 Georgia, 03 Ontario, 04 Ghana. Each lesson includes: a main activity and a reflect and share. The main activity is the heart of the lesson and the reflect and share provides space for students to share personal perspectives and new learnings.
02 Georgia Lessons
03 Ontario Lessons
04 Ghana Lessons

A Google Earth presentation is also included for educators to help present key information for each lesson and as a resource for students to explore historical sites highlighted in this docu-series with the cast. Students can also create a Google Earth presentation as a culminating assignment to create tours of their own to uncover places, cities and spaces they would like to learn more about and share within their classrooms and school community.
Access the Google Earth presentation of Jelly and Yoshi's tour here.
Learn more about Google Earth as an amazing resource for virtual experiential learning here.
Explicit and Controversial Themes
The transatlantic slave trade was horrific. There's no easy way to share and unpack the events that transpired during that time. However, we believe it is critical for educators to create space within their classrooms to allow students to hear from and relate to diverse perspectives and gain deeper understandings of taboo topics that have deep impacts on our daily lives.
Facilitating space for critical conversations isn't easy and we hope we can support you in anyway we can.
Please see our resource/activity page on Creating Space for Difficult Conversations in the Classroom.
Below is also a list of further readings and resources on teaching sensitive content.
Please reach out anytime via email with questions or comments at info@stolenfromafrica.org.
Resources & Readings on Teaching Sensitive Content
"Chapter 4: Teaching Controversy" by Teaching Tolerance
"Teaching With Conflict and Controversial Issues in Diverse and Multicultural Classrooms" by Christina Parker, OISE/University of Toronto
"Teaching Hard History: American Slavery" by Teaching Tolerance
"Response: ‘Don’t Avoid Controversial Topics’ in School" by Larry Ferlazzo
"Why We Need Controversy In Our Classrooms" by Rebecca Recco