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Hidden Treasure:
Educational Interactive on the Transatlantic Slave Trade
This FREE educational resource follows the journey of two rappers, Jelly from Toronto and Yoshi from Atlanta, as they retrace actual slave trading routes across Georgia, USA, Ontario, Canada and Gold Coast, Ghana. We made this resource for educators to enhance Black history curriculums and to bring more culturally relevant, responsive and engaging content into classrooms. We hope this resource inspires, connects and better informs students and educators alike about the transatlantic slave trade and how it's shaped so much of the world we experience today.
Check out all 8 lessons here!

NEW! Infographic: Transatlantic Slave Trade

Crystals As Crowns is a mixed media billboard campaign seeking to reduce negative conceptions of self and low self-esteem among black youth and larger society by presenting empowering imagery of youth in control of their futures and rooted in a self-determined imagination, the “Crystal Mind.” This campaign features 10 youth influencers from 10 diverse communities across the GTA and Hamilton. Get posters for your school or community space! Learn more about the project here.

Crystals As Crowns: Black Youth Resilience Campaign

Our 2007 documentary "Stolen From Africville" outlines the rise and fall of the historic Black community of Africville Nova Scotia. Africville was a peaceful and thriving community whose roots can be traced back to the mid-1700s and the historic Underground Railroad. However, under the guise of "development", the government of Nova Scotia bulldozed the land in 1969. In 2004, the United Nations conducted an assessment of this tragic injustice and recommended reparations for the Africville community. Full documentary is available below.